I had an unusual experience that I needed assistance. I live across the country, but found a bike I wanted on Craigslist in the area where Xtreme Wheels Bike and Sport is located. I called them and asked them to help. The owners were not only friendly, but honest and kind. They talked to me on the phone a couple times and met with the owner of the bike. They checked the bike and played middle man for the transaction by allowing me to pay them and giving the owner of the bike the money. They then packed the bike and took it to be shipped. In the end they did it for little to nothing, the shipping was expensive, instead of quibbling about the money they were happy to have the business. I cannot recommend the store enough, it is one of those place in life you simply just do business and feel good about what you are going to get and how kind they will treat you. I am shocked at how hard they worked for me and how honest they were to the end. I give them A+ and full 5 stars, you have a bike, need a bike, hey just need to meet some great people go to the store, wonderful, really wish I lived closer would see these guys all the time. Way to go, deserve all the accolades.
I had an unusual experience that I needed assistance. I live across the country, but found a bike I wanted on Craigslist in the area where Xtreme Wheels Bike and Sport is located. I called them and asked them to help. The owners were not only friendly, but honest and kind. They talked to me on the phone a couple times and met with the owner of the bike. They checked the bike and played middle man for the transaction by allowing me to pay them and giving the owner of the bike the money. They then packed the bike and took it to be shipped. In the end they did it for little to nothing, the shipping was expensive, instead of quibbling about the money they were happy to have the business. I cannot recommend the store enough, it is one of those place in life you simply just do business and feel good about what you are going to get and how kind they will treat you. I am shocked at how hard they worked for me and how honest they were to the end. I give them A+ and full 5 stars, you have a bike, need a bike, hey just need to meet some great people go to the store, wonderful, really wish I lived closer would see these guys all the time. Way to go, deserve all the accolades.